Helping each other can make world better

Medis Charitable Trust provides free healthcare to people in the most crowded place in the world. District North East is considered the most populated area in India, with a human population density of over 18,000 person per Sq. Km. and nearly 60% of its population lives under the poverty line. A hugely vulnerable section of the population is exposed due to the lack of basic infrastructure, health care and education facilities in this area.
Medis Charitable Trust is a non-government charitable organisation working for poor and needy people since 2000 in the most populous and densely populated District of Delhi- Shahdara and North East District.
A vital education and healthcare system is crucial for a nation’s development, requiring competent doctors, healthcare workers, and educators.
Did Your Know?
North East & Shahdara Districts lack both education & healthcare facilities, which is most densely populated with a literacy rate of less than 70%. There are 35000 to 50000 children who need proper schooling and healthcare facility within the Shahdara district. There is massive unemployment among youth due to a lack of professional education. 65% of the youth of this district are struggling for employment.
Our organisation is registered under the Indian Trust Act of 1882. Our founders, Prashant Sharma and Dr Neha, have served underprivileged since 2001. Over the past six months, we have provided healthcare services to over 5,000 people.

We supported the community and older adults with free consultation and physiotherapy sessions. We have distributed more than 12 Lakh free masks since March 2020 to prevent COVID-19 & Delta Variant.
We are working for free healthcare and free education for those who need help to afford it in unreadily available areas